The sisters-By James Joyce

The Sisters-By James Joyce

Rating 6/10

I focused on the narrator (young boy) and priest(Flynn). When I look back on what Cotter said about the priest, "Priest was something strange, and children should spend time with people their own age rather than with people like a priest." I was a little cautious about this, but I thought it might be because the clergy was sexually oppressed at the time, so they had an inappropriate relationship, or that the child was still young so Cotter just wanted him to play with his peers rather than these religious things. Also, if I were to think about the word paralysis, I wondered why the place was set in Ireland, and why there was a priest. Perhaps he wanted to say that these religions were paralyzing Ireland at the time, that such religions were not completely clean and that corruption had spread. The last thing I thought about was the narrator of this story. Why would the author set the narrator as a child? The reason why the narrator was set as a child was probably that author thought that when setting the narrator as a child, it was judged that the reader had less resistance and could contain implications in words.(200 words)


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About James Joyce

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