The student

The Student - By Anton Chekhov (1894)


The scene that was the most memorable is when Ivan met who women who were both widowed. As a son of sacristan, and who is willing to become a priest, he told a story of denial of Peter, Peter finally betraying Jesus as Jesus predicted. Mabye the reason why Vasilisa cried after the story is because the kind of comfort that religion itself gives and the sadness accumulated since she lived alone are combined or because she really realized something. Anyway it seems clear that meeting with the two women had a great impact on Ivan. Cold winter he saw later changed and made him think of inexpressible sweetness etc. It is good to think about cold winter in connection with the situation in Russia, but personally it was also fun to focus on a single character named Ivan. Looking briefly about structure, I think Ivan being quite desperated but later being transformed fits in 11th stage of hero’s journey, resurrection. Mabye stage 12, returning with elixir is not shown in the story, and is left to us to imagine what will happen. Rating is 7 /10 because what the story wanted to say didn’t clearly reached me well.(199words)

                                             Anton Chekhov


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